Vaatemerkkini ohella valmistan tilaustöitä sekä teatteri- ja elokuvapuvustuksia. Mikäli tarvitset ammattilaisen hoitamaan jotain vaatetukseen liittyen, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä: vihreekala(at)
Katso myös Vihree kalan some:
Behind the brand Vihree kala is a seamstress Jonna Heikkinen from Tampere. Sewing and crafts were dear hobbies for me even before my graduation from Tampere Vocational College 2015. During my studies I started to develop upcycled collection from post-consumer waste, main material used jeans. Later Vihree kala was founded.
Along with my clothing brand, I make custom works and costumes for theater and movies. If you need a professional for your project, feel free to contact me: vihreekala(at)
Check out Vihree kala in social media: